Sunday, July 08, 2007

ECSU Summer School

Basic Agenda

This isn't set in stone so we can change depending on the initial discussions.

Getting started (Monday Morning):
* Every will create a blog if they don't have one already. Post every useful nugget of information or observation here. This is a good practice. Also, should be used to bookmark useful web sites. Tag everything with "ECSU". You can embed a badge in your blog.

* Introductions

* Expectations: what do we want to accomplish for the week? I will overview a lot of technologies, but we need to find ways to tie everything together.

Monday: Introductory/overview lecture and Condor lab
- Installing and using Condor on your linux cluster
- I will probably use some lecture material from the Condor group and Grid summer schools.
- We should identify some interesting and relevant projects for the students that would use Condor--my guess is the image analysis project mentioned below would be an excellent candidate. These could be done over several days.
- Need to make sure this installs OK on your version of Linux.

Tuesday: Web Services Lab
- I have all of this material in hand.
- Introduction to WSDL, SOAP, and REST
- May also provide some lectures on XML
- Hands on lab with Apache Axis 2
- Build workflows with Taverna

Wednesday: Globus and Portals/Gateways Lab
- Lectures on Globus basics
- Install and use Globus command line stuff
- Install and use OGCE portal
- Build a Web gateway prototype for CERSER
- Need to make sure Globus installs OK on your version of Linux

Thursday: Web 2.0 Lab
- Web 2.0 overview and tutorial
- Mashup lab: go to, brainstorm ideas, and implement.

Friday: Wrap up projects

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